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The Real Way To Train Your New Dog.

July 28, 2014

Your dog is part of the family and you have to train them as such. The following article will shed some light on some simple dog training tricks and tips that you can use to your benefit. Education is the key to success and educating yourself on how to train your pooch is the first step to take.

There are a few tricks you can try when attempting to crate train a puppy or dog. If your dog does not want to go into the crate but one of his favorite toys inside and close the door. Your dog will get excited at the prospect of the treat and soon be eager to enter the crate. When your dog goes inside, give him plenty of praise, and let him know he is doing a good job.

When you are house training your puppy, remember, what goes in, must come out. If you want your puppy to relieve himself with regularity, keep the diet regular too, like feeding him good food two or three times daily at consistent intervals. Doing so helps you to learn your puppy’s schedule.

Decide on a single phrase to use when housebreaking your new puppy. Every time you take him outside, tell him “go potty,” (use whatever phrase you have chosen) and this will help him learn to focus and remember what he has gone outside to do.

Use the same command for the behavior you want him to demonstrate. Begin each command by using his name. You can get their attention by doing this and then use the command. Dogs tend to respond by name right away and they know that you want their attention.

Keep your voice firm and level when delivering commands to your dog. This helps your dog to understand when you are in training mode. The dog will also know the difference when you give them discipline as opposed to a command.

You are now embarking on fun journey as you begin to train your dog. When you follow the tips presented here, you will be able to understand your dog’s needs and train appropriately. This type of help can do a lot.
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